Monday, April 25, 2011

Rio & Jewel !

The inspiration that I had for this poem came from two lovely birds, Rio and Jewel, from the recent movie Rio. The movie was infact my first 3-D experience and it turned out to be a great one. The beginning was so colorful, the vibrancy, the charm, breathtaking sights of picturesque Rio de Janeiro, the lively Brazilian samba, everything was just mesmerizing and captivating and kept me glued to my seat from the beginning till the end. The only thought that came to my mind when I left the theater was "If I were your Rio and you were my Jewel..." and what followed next goes like this :

If I were your Rio and you were my Jewel,
We could fly high, up above the sky,

Witness the clouds swell, and the nature just revel,
Feel the soothing breeze, putting everything at ease,

Watch the giant sun, spreading colours of fun,
Feel the lovely moon, wishing night to not end so soon,

Dive into the seas, feel the waters that freeze,
Listen the trees rustle, forgetting times we had a tussle,

Climb the lofty mountains, and capture the loveliest of fountains,
Fly into an alien land, as wonderful and mystique as Peter Pan’s Neverland,

Lovely, indeed, it would be, with you by my side,
Happy, indeed, I would be, when together we take a stride,

Bright, cheerful, happy and everything would seem so well,
Only If I were your Rio and you indeed my Jewel.


Deekonomics said...

SOOOOOOOOOO Cute !!!! :)

Swati said...

outstanding ! :)
hope u find ur Jewel soon ! :P

"The Raconteur" said...

@Dalu...The movie was much more it after your exams !!

@Swati..Thanks for appreciating !! :)

Anonymous said...

perfect couple! Jewel inspires me to study harder, she's so cute! I LOVE U, Rio!!!

Jaime said...

Rio is the best movie ever 4 me! Go! Jewel!!!