Friday, December 24, 2010

Laughter :)

Reading has always been in my list of favorite "To-do" activities. Perhaps, it feeds my brain, nourishes it providing food for thought. Now, going by my current state of affairs, when monotony has taken a center stage, overpowering every bit of enthusiasm, I find no other thing or person coming to my rescue except my cherished hobby of reading. The motley collection of text that I have read in the past few days, thanks to the EIL library, has indeed been refreshing, offering some respite from the insipid nature of work with which I have been associated for past 2 weeks. 

Now, it was yesterday when I read a piece of article on "Laughter" and found it deserving enough to get a place in my Space. Here's an excerpt from that article-

"Laughter is needed for you to exist. It has to be understood....there are three types of laughter. The first is when you laugh at someone else. This is the meanest, the lowest, the most ordinary and vulgar when you laugh at the expense of somebody else. Deep down this laughter there is always a feeling of revenge.

The second type of laughter is when you laugh at yourself. This is worth achieving. This is cultured. And this man is valuable who can laugh at himself. He has risen above everything. He has risen above lowly instincts- hatred, aggression, violence.

And the third is the last-the highest. This is not about anybody- neither the other nor oneself. The third is just Cosmic. You laugh at the situation as it is. The whole situation, as it is, is absurd- no purpose in the future, no beginning in the beginning. The whole situation of existence is such that if you can see the Whole-such a great infinite vastness moving towards no fixed purpose, no goal- laughter will arise. So much is going on without leading anywhere, nobody is there in the past to create it; nobody is there in the end to finish it."

I don't remember what kind of thoughts went through my mind after reading the above article, but what flashed before my eyes were the past 2 weeks. What followed next was "Laughter". COSMIC  it was, I reckon !!


Bharat said...

Cosmic laughter is confusing.... seems ridiculous!

"The Raconteur" said...

only if u were in my place raa for the past 2 weeks..u would have perfectly comprehended this Cosmic Laughter