Sunday, March 1, 2009

Winds of Change...

The month of Cupid is actually about to get over and now i have began to write this post which i actually intended to post weeks before. This classy case of procrastination can only be attributed to my apathetic behaviour towards my very own brainchild , which i narcissistically referred to as the "Mavericks Space".

Almost 55 odd days have passed since i last wrote something, and finally it's today that i decided to break free from the fetters of laziness, climb up the ladder of craziness, put my thinking cap on, and overcome what a "sweet" friend of mine regarded to as the "Writer's Block". So from where should i start considering the gamut of details that i have inside this tiny brain of mine.

Lets start from the start.

January, marked the advent of a new year , engendering new hopes , people making resolutions which too often turn out to be too ephemeral, and the month which ultimately brought some halcyon moments for yours truly marking the end of a gruelling survey camp. Then came the registrations and as usual the same old classes in the hallowed Deparment which seems to be suffering from a bout of gerontocracy since 1847. I certainly regard January as the month of "novelty" for the degree of newness that it brings to each one of us in thoughts as well as in actions. While i speak of novelty in actions i do mean it and i have a classic example to justify my point. It was 31st January, and i was to visit the "sweet" friend of mine the next day and at the same time had to inform my mother about this stating that the sole reason for my visit was to meet my "sweet" friend. With gargantuan courage and copious optimism i called up my mommy and asked for the permission. I don't know what went through my mother's mind, was she impressed by my courage and positivity, or did she listen to me properly, or was she really moved by my veracity, but what came as a reply from her side was perfectly affirmative. I must confess that the conversation that i had with my mommy certainly introduced in me a new confidence and led to a manifold increase in my faith in the person whom i trust the most in this universe. So that was January infusing a new confidence in yours truly.

Came February, the month of Cupid and more recently the month of Bajrang dals and Shiv Senas. For yours truly it was the month of meeting my "sweet" friend, giving mid-semester exams, month of penitence, month of sponsorship's, month of some really good brain racking quizzes, and yes the month of Pokemon aka Pikachu. February began with an eventful morning when, i , after many a days witnessed the serene alpenglow, surpassing the beautiful-est of beauties. The ambience as well the whirlpool of thoughts inside bestowed me with a feeling of being in empyrean. The series of events that followed certainly made me feel better except the last one and perhaps the one before it. The next few days were the days of academics exemplifying the arrival of mid-term examination, a quarterly phenomenon coercing people in R-Land to actually put on their thinking caps. Midterm got over and came the sponsorship's and there started the vicious cycle of running after professors for details and contacts of the recession hit corporate world. Amidst all this career-defining events came the ever so familiar LitSec quizzes, organized by LitSec pepole, hosted by LitSec people, Participation from LitSec people apart from few hapless souls with supreme optimism, and finally Won by LitSec people. So that's how almost two thirds of february went past. The last few days gave me an opportunity to polish my "Head Shot" skills in CS under the name "Pokemon-Terror Ka Doosra Nam" and more recently "Pikachu-Pikaa Pikaa Pikaa".

So that's how things have been for the last two months. To end i hope that i get over my bout of procrastination and rejuvenate this Space for i believe that "It Is A Mavericks Space".


Anonymous said...

So..Amritansh finally broke his dormancy to write a beautiful tale abt IIT life.I am happy for him as things in his life are slowly but steadily (may be stealthily!!) moving ahead. I also see Paarth transforming to omni-gamer(Paarth-->Pikachu).

Its always refreshing for me to read your blog, to know abt ur latest updates in a funny and interesting manner.Right word at right place..thanx to ur photographic memory!!Keep posting reading 'em..bharath.

Deekonomics said...

i m ur fannnnnnn!!!!!!