Friday, January 2, 2009

Movie With Masti.........

My worst movie experience till date has been in Kota, while i was in class 11, when i witnessed one of the greatest oops!! wrong adjective, one of the longest bollywood movie of all time LOC. Star-studded with a special attraction when our very own bollywood Jawans freely used expletives to express their vent for our neighbouring country, though I couldn't comprehend even a single, thanks to the superb sound system of the theatre in which i was and the ever so familiar beep-beep-beep-beep. To add to my experience was the seat on which i was sitting plus its location, an iron bench located just at the entrance of the theatre. Though J.P. Dutta tried every possible formula for his movie, even including the name of umpteen Gods mentioned in the hindu mythology, but still he did not succeed and the movie was a big failure and as far as i was concerned it gave me a backache which kept me on bed for a day or two. After that i pledged never to watch a movie in Aakash, the dilapidated old theatre almost in a defunct state now.

Now this new year myself along with my friends went to Haridwar to watch Ghazini, need not to mention how excited each and every one was to watch the movie. Chitra, the theatre named, it was almost the size of a single storeyed house from outside, in a decrepit condition, cobwebs embellishing the walls, red bettle stains hither and thither, in short in a condition that in no time reminded me of Aakash. Here again to add to my misery came everyones decision to buy a stall ticket, though Barra showed some resistance but Baddy listened to none. I was silent for the images of Aakash were floating in my mind, the only hope for me was the movie, and Aamir's presence was a like a silver lining in the dark cloud. I kept myself engaged talking to Bhrigu Raj about the movie, trying to divert my attention from the ambience which in no time was flooded with hundreds of people, all eagerly waiting for the door to open so that they could rush inside to occupy their seat which followed the system of FIFO, First In First Occupy.

Atlast at 3:13 the door opened, with sincere adjurations to God of my safety, i jumped and in no time the wave of enthusiastic crowd took me inside and their i was taking long breathe standing inside Chitra, so chillaxed as if i had won a battle, but a feeling of apprehension was still over my mind. The seats were wooden this time with iron supports, so i would say something positive for me. I occupied a back seat and instantly the lights were off and taaaaaaan-tanaaaaaaaaaaaaa it was Ghazini time. Aamir appeared on the screen and the theatre echoed with whistles clappings hooting, people cheering each and every manouevre of his. Truely a great atmosphere and something that i missed watching a movie in a mutliplex with the crowd their sitting as if they are watching some sort of a stage play. Certainly the mutliplex crowd need to learn atleast some part of it. For the next two and half hours the whistling and the clappings just grew louder and louder in intensity and at the end the theatre just echoed with a tumultuous uproar. What an ending i witnessed, not from the movies perspective but from the crowds point of view, what a superb ending the crowd gave to the movie. It surely turned out to be a much better experience than what i had expected but as far as the movie was concerned Aamir was good, but the movie OK, i certainly expected something better from Mr Perfectionist and the Tollywood action scenes better suits their movies only not Bollywood!!

P.S.- Anushka for me is better than Asin....I love her dance in Dance Pe Chance.




Revenant said...

Let me tell u some points u forgot to mention in this write up..
1) Baddys pathetic early morning displays and 'his' manoeuvres in order to push everyone for visiting Chitra shouldve been mentioned.

2) Crowd was rowdy by no means the level of our multiplex crowd but yes ..lively.

PS: No need to be so judgemental..
Asin looks and acts way better than ur Anushka..

"The Raconteur" said...

@Revenant aka Bhrigu Raj

As far as Baddys that day disposition is concerned i'll mention that in one of my posts...btw CKB and Revenant quite a choice..u truly an apotheosis of something dangerous..eagerly awaiting a post frm our very own "REVENANT".

P.S.- Thaks a lot for that "Ur Anushka" ;-).

Deekonomics said...

well according to me neither asin nor anushka have such charm as jia khan....hahhah....n her heartthrobbing dance steps in ....latoo latoo song its no use arguing ovr asin n anushka...acoz jia steals d show ....!!
lolzzzzz ;)