Thursday, June 14, 2012

Excerpts From the Diary of a Demented Soul

April 18th, 2012..150kms off the coast of Mumbai in the Arabian Sea

Today, I found what I have been searching for the past few months. Standing on top of the main deck in the middle of a mighty ocean, observing those wavy wavelets rise and fall in quick successions, eyes awestruck at the sight of those massive seahorses making the ocean glitter like white snow, a cool breeze caressing my face giving that silken touch of rose petals, I found what our very own Kung Fu Panda Po described as "Inner Peace". I was in dire need of it. It is relaxing and I wish the moment could last forever. It is a special moment, special for the fact that my mind is free, free of everything, devoid of thoughts, my eyes just observing things and savouring the moment. 

People say offshore can be a very painful experience with multitude of problems like sea-sickness, insomnia etc. affecting both body and mind and I agree with it too. But on this particular occasion I am finding it different. Perhaps, deep down inside I wanted to isolate myself, cutoff myself from the humdrum of daily life. I felt tired, tired of travelling the same route everyday, tired of taking the same bus everyday, tired of eating the same food everyday, tired of overthinking about things over which I don't have any control, tired of answering people about my MBA plans, tired of those daily dose of official jibber-jabbers and friendly banters. This particular offshore sojourn is much more than just bringing about some routine change. It is about having some quality time with myself. It bestows me with an opportunity to think about nothing, savour the moments of nothingness and enjoy that peace of mind. I just wish I have few more of these moments in the times to come.

Amen !

1 comment:

swati said...

I'm glad Mr. Parth that you found a moment where you could experience inner peace.. I hope you find more such moments..
I'm not going to say that this post is very well written or anything like that coz all your writings are treat for the soul and are always looked forward to!

Keep up with the good work! :)