Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Final Frontier

With the 6th semester ending I can most certainly declare that yes I have finally reached the last rung of the engineering ladder, my final year at IIT-Roorkee. The thought of being the senior-most in the college not only fills one with a feeling of joy and engenders a strange feeling wherein one wants to be away from the daily humdrum of life with solace being the best companion, but also reminds one of the plethora of responsibilities and the hopes that he/she carries on his shoulders. As far as I am concerned I am happy to reach the last rung but it’s hard to describe the random melange of feelings and thoughts that swirls inside this tiny brain of mine on reaching this epoch. On one hand it’s a sense of achievement of reaching this stage without any hiccups, while on the other it’s a feeling of regret for not being able to achieve few things that I always wanted to. It’s a feeling of having learned so much in the last three years while on the other hand there is a feeling of having not learned everything in the last three years, it’s a feeling of treading along on the right path, the one that I have chosen for myself while on the other hand it’s a feeling of drifting away from things that are dearest-est-est to me while treading along the chosen path.

Perhaps as I dive in the depths of time and reminisce the colourful series of events that have transformed the previous three years as the best years of my life, period when I learned a lot as well as was spurned a lot, period that metamorphosed  me to a completely different person, I just wish that the fourth and the final year carries with it the same vibrant colours infusing in me the same amount of energy and perhaps bring the perfect ending to the delightful  odyssey which started four years ago. As far as my plans for the final year are concerned there are plenty of them, from doing well in academics, visiting some new places, doing well in numerous exams in which I appear next year to blogging more frequently, coming up with a new cartoon blog, proving my mettle in Chaos (in FIFA) next year, getting a good placement and lastly having that much awaited dinner which has always been in my list of cherished desires.

As I finally sign off and leave for my home sweet home in a couple of minutes allowing the curtains to fall on the most awesome, no wait,  legen.........wait for it......... dary three years, I’ll just join my hands, close my eyes and pray god for his blessings, for the year(s) going to come would be the most defining year of my life, one that would shape my future in every possible way. May Time be with me !!

Adios !


suruchi said...


Deekonomics said...

sundadda is back home...
wat more i can ask for ...
be wid him for few days ...
few days of joy ...of happiness...of togetherness...of every special thing ...i can do for him...his upcoming bday...hmm...
n yes ...his all the more needed support ...for my upcoming xam ...
may things go in the best possible way...
u rock !!!

Bharat said...
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Bharat said...

all the best paarth!!

"The Raconteur" said...

thanxx raaa !!!

Unknown said...

nice post...btw wat bout that cherished dinner u r eagerly waiting for :D ...sounds fishy

"The Raconteur" said...

Buddhe thanx for the comment..btw u truly an avid reader to mark my every word!!..sounds fishy nahi buddhe but its Whale-ey or u can also call Shark-ey...lambi se aa then batata.

"The Raconteur" said...

@angel aka dalu aka humpty

such an emotional response...nahii suit nahi karta bhai tumhe...waise its always the best thing for me to be at home sabke sath...the togetherness we share is wonderful...regarding gift I WANT MY GIFT!!..and my support always thr for u...and its not u rock but WE ROCK !!!

abhishek said...

A good autobiographical article...but I don't consider it to be ur last rung on engineering ladder!!As the real life starts at the conclusion of this academic phase..Its the time which certainly moulds u into a stronger person to bear the brunt of that coveted real life challenges...(I have same thoughts fr dear u r nt alone!!)